Consultancy & System Design
Our combined experience and exposure to many different product lines enables us to offer a consultation service to discuss and provide advice on the many differing applications that our product range covers. We have meeting facilities and a showroom at our premises in Heidelberg West (VIC) where you and/or your clients can visit with our staff to discuss the communication requirement and desired outcomes. Demonstrations of many of our systems can be arranged, either in-house or on-site. We conduct reviews of Building Plans, with regard to the observance of the BCA (Building Code of Australia) in relation to our product lines and AS3811 (Australian Standard for Nurse Call Systems). Our in-depth knowledge of Nurse Call systems are their ancillary products and AS3811 means that we are in the best position to provide feedback and trouble-shoot building design in relation to patient care, OHS and efficient use of staff.
Our System Design Service is available for: End-Users; Architects; Engineering & Security Consultants; Builders; and Electrical, Security, Data & Communications Contractors. Come to us with your requirement and, thanks to our technical expertise and access to a wide range of quality products, we can design a product solution to meet or exceed your requirement.